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Resolution 2024-04 Designating Fire Chief During Interim Period.pdfResolution 2024-03 A Resolution Explaining the EVFPD Board of Directors Support for 1A Sales Tax Renewal.pdfResolution 2024-02 Set Mill Levy.pdfResolution 2024-01 Adopt 2024 Budget.pdf




2023-10 Resolution to Adopt 2021 IFC.pdf2023-09 Resolution of the EVFPD to Approve Amending the Fourth Amended IGA of LETA.pdf2023-08 Resolution for Supplemental Budget & Appropriation.pdf2023-07 Resolution Designating Fire Chief During Interim Period.pdf2023-06 Resolution of Support For Estes Valley Fire Protection District Ballot Issues A To Adjust Mill Levy Rate.pdf2023-05 Resolution Explaining the Mutual Commitment to Wildfire Risk Reduction Share by EVFPD & EVWC.pdf2023-04 Resolution Approving Ballot Issues Language for a Mill Levy Increase for the May 2, 2023 Election2023-03 Resolution Explaining The EVFPD's Commitment to Fire Prevention2023-02 Resolution Explaining The EVFPD's Commitment to Wildfire Risk Reduction2023-01 Resolution to Appoint a DEO and Call Election.pdf



2022-09 A Resolution Explaining The EVFPD's Commitment To Good Governance.pdf2022-08 A Resolution Explaining the EVFPD's Commitment To A Culture of Service.pdf2022-07 A Resolution Levying General Property Taxes fro the Year 2022 to Help Defray The Costs of Government For the EVFPD For The 2023 Budget Year.pdf2022-06 A Combined Resolution Concerning the Adoption of a Budget and Appropriation of Funds For Such Budget For Fiscal Year 2023.pdf2022-05 A Resolution Explaining the EVFPD's Commitment to a Volunteer Firefighter Model.pdf2022-04 Declining Participation in FAMLI.pdf2022-03 Resolution Adoption the 2022 CWPP.pdf2022-02 Resolution Budget Amendment Volunteer Fund.pdf2022-01 Resolution 2021 Budget Amendment.pdf



Intergovernmental Agreements (IGAs)

2023 - Agreement for Disaster Emergency Mutual Aid and Disaster Emergency Funding Assistance - Larimer County Emergency Management.pdf2022 Town of Estes Park Dispatch Services Agreement2022 Town of Estes Park Fleet Services Agreement